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Proctor Surfboards Worldwide Custom

Handmade in Ventura, CA ~ est. 1992

Everybody should have a gun. We are in perilous times, El Niño is here and coastal towns everywhere are under siege…with incredible waves.

Big, clean, hollow tubes are assaulting beaches everywhere. So, don’t get a gun and conceal it. Don’t even get a gun just to carry.

Get a gun to paddle fast and drop in early, and ride stable upon caverns agape with splendor.

Yes, I know, guns are scary, it gives you butterflies just walking around with one. But I assure you, once you whip it out and spin around, you’ll find the peace of mind that extreme circumstances require.

Here’s vid bit about what makes a good gun from a conversation I had with @805marine for @surfline shot by @chrispapaleo.

Check it before ya wreck it.

Todd & Nick discuss step-ups and guns for when the waves are critical

Surfboard Reviews on Step-Ups and Guns ...